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Here's an overview of what my Nix configuration offers:

  • External Dependency Integrations:
  • Access the Nix User Repository (NUR) for additional packages and enhancements.

  • Home Manager: Manage your dotfiles, home environment, and user-specific configurations with Home Manager.

  • DevShell Support: The flake provides a development shell (devShell) to support maintaining this flake. You can use the devShell for convenient development and maintenance of your Nix environment.

  • CI with Cachix: The configuration includes continuous integration (CI) that pushes built artifacts to Cachix. This ensures efficient builds and reduces the need to build dependencies on your local machine.

  • Utilize sops-nix: Secret management with sops-nix for secure and encrypted handling of sensitive information.

  • Theming with stylix: Management of system and application colorscheme, fonts and wallpaper with stylix.

  • Declarative disk partitioning: Use disko to declare your disk and format it using the Nix language.

  • Declarative Vencord configuration: Use nixcord to declare your Vencord settings and plugins.

  • Declarative KDE Plasma configuration: Use plasma-manager to declare your Vencord settings and plugins.

  • Declarative Flatpak installation: Use declarative-flatpak to manage KDE Plasma with Home Manager.

  • Declarative Spotify customization: Use spicetify-nix to modify Spotify.